Purely from the mineral content of the water. TDS is a good gauge on good mineral content. The higher it is the less the quality of water.

A study done by Essential Planet’ in 2021 showed that less than 1% of people globally knew what was actually in the water they were consuming. 

Lets get this fact on the table. Distilled Water is ‘dead’ water. For it to become a body again it needs to leach vital minerals from the human body to become in essence a body to pass through our systems. Distilled water will dehydrate humans rather than having the opposite effect.

Ph is determined by the acidity or the alkalinity. On a gauge from 1- 14. 14 been extremely high Ph. 1 been extremely acidic. 7 is nuetral.

7.0 nuetral is deemed the best Ph condition for the human body. 99% of what we eat and drink is acidic. 

Alkaline water promotes anti- aging, balancing the acidic conditions within the body and supports the immune system. High alkaline water can interfere with your stomach digestation as the stomach opearates on acidity.

6.9- 7.1 Fluctuations through the year

Over 8 thousand years. Formed through the multiple eruptions experienced in the North Island over thousands of years

222 metres below the surface. Arguably the deepest in the Southern Hemishere.

Recycle three times

Recycle twenty four times.

The cap and most labels can not be fully recycled. This is an industry wide reality.

This is the unique number given to Otakiri for the water bore they draw from. This is GPS monitored to ensure no variations in water quality.

All cardboard used is recycled, electricity is generated from the pressure of our water bore and no animals fats or oils are used during production.



Yes, Otakiri has been working with a platform called Eco-Vadis for the past 6 years. Otakiri currently has a Silver Status which is high for any company with less than 20 employees. 

Eco-Vadis is a globally recognised Environmental platform that helps it clients to achieve environmental sustainability across its entire business. The company works toward goals each year with a 2025 timeframe for the company to be fully electric with its fleet of cars, plant to run solely on water pressure and practices that are environmentally sustainable.

Otakiri’s carbon footprint is neutral. We work on a reduce, reuse and recycle. All cardboard, PET and glass are recycled. Water pressure generates 30% of our total electrical requirement. The site is also abundant in tree life. 

Carbon footprint is created by a number of things we do in everyday life. Transportation, heating, power, breathing. The trick is offsetting the footprint with a decrease in your own activity around the above criteria. Please don’t stop breathing  though 😊. Electric vehicles are a great way to offset your carbon emmision as an example.

There are five steps: Real - A quantifiable reduction in emmissons, Permanent - Emmision reductions cannot be temporary, Additional - Reduction would not have happened otherwise, Verifiable - project legitamacy and Enforceable - law to support emission reductions.

Water that is drawn from a depth under its own pressure to the surface.

Spring water is surface water and will normally come out of a lake or river

Loosely translated it means ‘the cleansing of the soul’.

The company opened in 1995 which makes it the oldest operating water company in New Zealand. Boutique water bottling plant.

1.5 litres.

The water is produced in a Bio-Gro-Certified plant. This means it is truly organic

Yes but currently the focus is on the domestic market. We have exported in the past to Australia, New Caledonia, South Korea, Europe, China and Indonesia.

High in Magnesium and Silica, low in Sodium and Nitrate.

Essentially Nitrate is prominent in a lot of NZ waters especially spring water. Nitrate is cow effluent. This is the largest issue with NZ bottled water and it is not communicated as it is not compulsory in NZ legistration.

Peace of mind for the consumer. Some water's Nitrate levels in NZ are deemed hazardous in some countries around the world

No it is not compulsory to have water contents on the label. Although Australia and the rest of the western world require this.

Otakiri had contents on its label in the past but were penalised for it. Any change in composition required a new set of labels at considerable cost.

Yes, There needs to be a guidelines on mineral content on labels so consumers know what is in the water.

Berkeley Springs is where the global water tasting awards are run annually. This event has been running since 1996 and is regarded as the top echelon for waters worldwide.

The Otakiri 932 aquifer has won Berkeley's top sparkling water 4 four times over the event's history. The aquifer has also won numerous Silver and Bronze medals.

Approximately 30 kilometres, 55- 65 years

Otakiri has made donations to Auckland’s Starship Hospital and also been involved over the years with Wespac Helicopter, Cure Kids and Kidney Kids events.

No we are happy with our water and would not want to mix it with anything.

Soda water has sugar in it.

An independent geo-hydrologist tested this water in 1998. He findings were that Otakiri Springs water is in the top 2% of all water available in the world.

We claim that one sip of this exceptional water will send your taste buds into a state of fulfilment and satisfaction.

Our Production Manager has been testing and perfecting the balance for over 30 years. He has decided on a soft and subtle sparkle that does not interfere with your meal flavour.

1767, Jacksons Spa, Boston, USA.

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